I forgot to mention that I went to one of the best parties of my life on Saturday. There is a very posh part of the island named Jurere about an hour north of where I live. It reminds me of Newport Beach with a lot of beautiful homes. That area is actually one of the reasons I made the investment in the house here. Jurere attracts the wealthy crew from Sao Paolo and the housing prices there are significantly higher than my area (about 3-4 times higher). However, the area where I live is a MUCH better part of the island and over time I believe that the gap will be drastically reduced as this area catches up. Anyway, they have a lot of very upscale beach bars/clubs (or whatever you want to call them - imagine Nikki Beach for those of you who have been to one of those) and one of the places called P12 threw a big party on Saturday. Imagine a huge pool, lots of cabanas, champagne with strawberries being handed out for free, great music, and hundreds of Brazilian girls in tini bikinis. It was pretty unreal. There were four guys from the UK who went with us that couldn't believe what was happening (I think I was in the same camp). Anyway, needless to say it as a great time. I unfortunately didn't have my camera but my friend Dayana had hers and here is a picture of the better half of our crew.
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