Tuesday, March 4, 2008

One More Time....

It's safe to say that the going away bash was a huge success.  We had dinner at Umami, drinks at Notte, and then we finished the night dominating the dance floor at Apartment 24 (there was an obscene amount of sweating).  It will definitely go down as one of the most fun nights of my life.  It was incredibly special for me because pretty much every one of my close friends was there to share in the good times.  At one point I looked around the room and realized how lucky I was to have the friends that I have.  I'm not sure what I would do without them, and I guess that is one of the things that scares me most as I make my final preparations to take off today.   Especially living in the city, it's incredibly easy to meet up for a drink, dinner, or whatever and inevitably good times will follow.  I will no longer have that luxury, and it will be interesting to see how I will be able to cope with that huge void. Regardless, the memories from the times we have had will be with me forever, and I wouldn't change a single one of them. My only job now is to keep convincing my friends to come visit because our memories together in Brazil will surely be unforgettable and I very much look forward to that.

1 comment:

P-Walk said...

Superman...Sick party Saturday night. It was a great night, with a great dance off and lots of sweat, at least you got to take a shower post dance off....Have Fun and send me some pictures of your "Twister" game...
